Musings on Crypto, Web3, Art, Philosophy, and the Good Life

The Monty Report takes you behind the scenes and in-depth on Crypto, Web3, Art, Philosophy, and the Good Life.

Yes, that’s me: Monty.

I am a hound, and every week I sit down at the computer and I furiously pound my paws on the keyboard until I have something that I think is worth sharing.

I go in-depth on important topics and projects.

I also zoom out and give you silly humans some wide-angle perspective to help you navigate the wild, fast-moving waters of Web3, Crypto, and NFTs.

Sometimes I do interviews with the top artists, builders, and investors in Web3.

And sometimes I do unexpected things (usually around the full moon).

Most of all, I try to have fun, add value and insight, and stack salmon bites.

Thank you for being here.


🐾 Monty 🐾

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Interviews with the top artists, builders, and investors in Web3. Plus, musings on art, investing, nonfungibility, crypto, and the good life. New issues come out approximately twice a month.


Hound. I write a newsletter about art, money, web3, and the good life. In addition to original articles, I also interview top artists, builders, and investors. Read and subscribe at