Should you enter The Hound House?
The Hound House: What? Why? How? Des Lucréce Giveaway? Questions and Answers.
Hello Friends!
When I sent out my most recent interview with Des Lucréce, I also announced my new membership community.
Today, I want to tell you a little bit more about WHY I launched a membership community, WHAT it is, and HOW to join.
Hound House 101 / TLDR / “Just give me the highlights!”
I just launched my membership community AKA The Hound House.
This week only, Founding Memberships are available at the following prices:
$8 for a Monthly membership
$80 for a Annual membership
$240 for a Patron of the Arts annual membership
You can also pay in ETH/BTC/USDC equivalent (just DM me on Twitter)
After this week, prices go up 150%. ($12, $120, $360)
I am not making any specific promises, but I am committed to making membership feel fun, valuable, and worthwhile. Here are some things I may experiment with:
Hounder-only issues
Special “Alpha Hound” sections
Early access to certain content and interviews
A community telegram or Discord
Early access/better mint prices to art drops
And of course…giveaways for art, allowlists, etc.
I purposefully set my prices low so that you could join as part of your “entertainment budget” in a low stress way.
Anyone who becomes a Founding Member this week will automatically be entered to win a Defy Mosaic by Des Lucréce (current floor ~0.4 ETH and Des just announced that this piece may give holders access to an exclusive drop later this month). For this giveaway:
Founding Monthly Members get 1 entry
Founding Annual Members get 5 entries
Founding Patrons of the Arts get 20 entries
That’s it for the 101!
For those of you who are ready to join The Hound House, you may do so here, or DM me on Twitter to pay in crypto.
For those of you who want more of a deep dive, read on!
Table of Contents
Key terms
Why launch The Hound House?
What’s in it for you?
How much does it cost?
What’s the deal with the Des Lucrèce giveaway?
What if I have more questions?
How to I join The Hound House?
1. Key Terms
First, let’s start with some terminology:
The Hound House: A subscriber who become a paid member enters The Hound House.
Hounders: Everyone in The Hound House is a Hounder.
Monthly Hounders: Hounders with a month-to-month membership.
Annual Hounders: Hounders with an annual membership.
Patron of the Arts: My highest level of membership. This level signals that you are a true patron of the arts with the finest taste and discernment.
2. Why Launch The Hound House?
Earlier this year, I stated my vision:

In order to make this big vision a reality, The Monty Report needs to become a self-sustaining economic entity.
That is why I am launching paid membership.
We have big things in store, and I would love for you to have a front seat for the ride.
3. What’s in it for you?
The #1 reason to join The Hound House is because you want this work to exist in the world. If you think my interviews and writing are valuable and interesting and worth continuing, then please sign up for a membership today.
That said, I also want to return unique value to my members. I am purposefully not making specific promises at this point, but here is what I can say:
My goal is to provide a ton of value for free to all of readers and to the entire digital art world.
But I also want to provide extra insight, fun, and value to my most engaged community members.
So by activating an affordable paid membership, I can discover who my most engaged readers are, and I can provide premium value for those members (the Hounders)
For example, at the end of this week I am giving away a Defy Mosaic by Des Lucréce to one lucky Hounder.
In the future, I may experiment with Hounder-only issues, special “Alpha Hound” sections, early access to certain content and interviews, a community telegram or Discord, AMAs, and of course, more giveaways.
4. How Much Does it Cost?
This week only, Founding Memberships are available at the following prices:
$8 for a Monthly membership
$80 for a Annual membership
$240 for a Patron of the Arts annual membership
You can also pay in ETH/BTC/USDC equivalent (just DM me on Twitter and we’ll get you setup)
After this week, prices go up 150%. ($12, $120, $360).
If you join this week, you will be grand-hounded in at the founding prices forever (so long as you stay subscribed).
I am purposefully keeping the price very affordable so that it doesn’t feel like a big commitment.
The LAST thing I want is for you to feel stressed about the amount of money you are investing in this project.
I set the membership levels so that they are comparable to some part of your “entertainment budget” - i.e. going out for a coffee or lunch (Monthly), a nice dinner (Annual), or one night at a hotel (Patron of the Arts).
I understand that everyone’s situation is different, so if these prices do feel out of reach for you, please reply to this email and let me know.
5. What’s the deal with the Des Lucréce giveaway?
Anyone who becomes a Founding Member this week will automatically be entered to win this Defy Mosaic by Des Lucréce:
As I write this, the current floor ~0.4 ETH and Des just announced that this piece may give holders access to an exclusive drop later this month.
For this giveaway:
Founding Monthly Members get 1 entry
Founding Annual Members get 5 entries
Founding Patrons of the Arts get 20 entries
6. What if I have more questions?
I would be more than happy to answer them!
If you received this post via email, then you can just reply to this email.
Otherwise, please DM me on Twitter.
7. How do I join The Hound House?
You may activate your membership here.
Or if you prefer to pay via crypto, just shoot me a DM on Twitter and we’ll get you taken care of.
From the tip of my paws to the top of my nose, I thank you for your support.
Together, we will build one of the world’s finest media platforms dedicated to digital art, artists, and culture.
🐾 Monty 🐾